Meet Our Moderator: Tom Allen

Having worked in research for 20 years, Tom’s experience spans several industries, including retail, restaurants, consumer packaged goods (CPG), home improvement, and financial services.

He helps clients with their research needs in many areas, including customer satisfaction, concept testing, awareness and usage, advertising testing, segmentation, and brand loyalty, among others. Prior to joining Decision Analyst, Tom worked as a marketing analyst for a financial services firm and was a senior research analyst at a travel technology firm.

Tom’s approach to conducting qualitative interviews utilizes a casual, friendly, conversational style.

Tom’s primary focus is on research conducted in the U.S.

Tom works with a variety of industries and categories, but he tends to focus on consumer packaged goods, financial services, home improvement, retail, and restaurants. His experience includes working with business-to-consumer (B2C) as well as business-to-business (B2B) respondents, such as like professional contractors in the home improvement industry.

Tom’s qualitative work most often takes the form of traditional qualitative in-depth interviews (IDIs) conducted in person, by telephone, or by video chat. Tom also has experience with other online qualitative methodologies like time-extended online forums and close-ups, as well as more unconventional methods like Large-Scale Qualitative (or Big Qual), online projective open-ends, and online sentence completion.

Tom enjoys soccer and martial arts, has been a lifelong video game aficionado, and appreciates spending time outdoors working in the yard.

Qualitative Research Services

If you would like more information on Qualitative Research, please contact Tom Allen by emailing or calling 1-817-640-6166.

Meet Our Moderators