Employee Research

  • Employee Research
    Companies and organizations serve multiple markets. One of those markets is the organization’s employees.
    These employees have needs, perceptions, biases, hopes, and dreams. The better a company understands its employees at different levels and different locations and different functions, the better the organization can communicate with and influence those employees. A better understanding of its employees allows a company to do a better job of retaining its employees, a better job in attracting new employees, and a better job in influencing and motivating its employees.

    The same types of research techniques and analytics used to sell products and services can be applied to influencing the attitudes and motivations of a company’s employees, to persuading employees to accept new policies and new plans, to encouraging employees to stay with the company, and even to biasing employees to work harder.

Decision Analyst offers a portfolio of research services to help companies reduce attrition, improve recruiting, improve communications, and encourage employee acceptance of new policies and new plans.

Additional Employee Research Services include:

Employee Research Services

Decision Analyst has over 40 years of experience conducting the research and analytics that lead to improved employee recruiting. If you would like more information or would like to discuss, please contact Jerry W. Thomas, President/CEO (jthomas@decisionanalyst.com), or Bonnie Janzen, Executive Vice President (bjanzen@decisionanalyst.com) call 1-800-ANALYSIS (262-5974) or 1-817-640-6166.